Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tech Life

Blog Subject: Tech Life
Make a blog entry focusing on these questions:
  • This course is pro technology. What do you feel about you relationship with technology at this point in the course?
My students say that I won't be able to teach without my iPad or they would say, "You really love your iPad, don't you?" I think that capture how much I rely on technology. 
  • This course is also pushing you to life a Tech Life. Perhaps you were already living that sort of life. This life choice has a range of political, social, and economic implications. Discuss how your use of technology is impacting your life in these areas.
I use technology to simplify my lifestyle. I remember that whenever I go back to Thailand and sometime I don't have a data plan set up, I would go through state of withdrawal. As a teacher, I preach simplicity and accessibility when it comes to teaching freshman composition. What I mean here is instead of asking my students to buy the MLA Handbook, I will teach them how to differentiate between different types of sources and teach them how to use a website like KnightCite to generate a work cited entry. In this way, students are not forced to buy a book that might be outdated by the time they leave college or might not find it useful outside of class. 
  • How long could you go technology free? How hard would it be for you to give up technology for a week, a day, or even 2 hours?
5 minutes max. 
  • What possibilities for teaching with technology most excite you? Why? 
First of all, I think it is crucial for students to learn how to use technology. It is important for teachers to not only preach technology, but live technology. I think it is just something that is required especially for composition teachers when multimodal composition has now become the norm in the field. 

  • What things most worry you about using technology as a teaching tool?
I am afraid that students will not think. What I mean here is that we're so distracted by technology. I can feel the pull from every direction to interact with technology to the point that often all you might need is a book and some interrupted time to think.  

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